Last year, we couldn’t participate in Giving Tuesday, because we were in the application process for our 501(c)(3) status. We were granted that tax exempt status only days after Giving Tuesday had passed. We are so excited to participate this year!
Your donation to our organization helps pay for the platform for parents to use and network to share resources. This parent-exclusive network is the missing village that so many parents have been needing, for so many years. Out network is made by parents who get the struggle and the hassle with so many stresses already on their shoulders. Our network brings a light at the end of a tunnel. We are an all volunteer staff and we have a very small operational budget, given most of what we do can be done online, without office needs. So with the exception of marketing, permits and fees, or expenses related to fundraising, every penny we bring in goes toward the build and maintenance of this network. We love families so much, we want families to be intact, well, and thriving. This labor of love we have built for you is an honor and amazing achievement. We couldn’t do it without you, and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your contribution.