I Can Do Anything

It is an emotional & personal defining moment to take passion and turn it into reality.

There are people who spend their entire lives never helping another human. Never achieving their personal goals, and never enjoying the things they spend their days on.

I choose life- Mine, my child’s, yours, your children’s, and their children’s.

I am a full time single mother, with a full time day job. I sit on 3 non-profit boards & have co-founded Parents Partnership, the very non-profit delivering this Newsletter.

I am fully aware that this amount of responsibility is not for everyone and I would never shame anyone for not doing 200 things at a time. Surviving each day is also an accomplishment worth noting.

The fact that I do all of this is deeply rooted in my life’s trauma. Staying busy works for me, giving back fuels me, & changing lives gives me purpose. Passing on a better world to my son and all thee kids beside him, is my goal.

I have personally been affected by early introduction to drugs and alcohol, unwelcoming step-parents in my own home, homelessness, working multiple jobs to survive, unexpected pregnancy, unfortunate end to my marriage, my co-parent moving across the country, a severely anxious child, and finally… parenting alone. When all of this touches your life, you either give into it, or you work on solutions. I am fixing things for the next woman in line.

What is it like to start a non-profit with a full time day job, and a single parent household?

It’s like the luckiest feeling in the world. It’s a ton of becoming an expert in managing stress and schedules, sometimes failing at both. It’s knowing that you will never have a boring day!

Most of all, it’s like watching my son start his own business at 10 years old. His heart to give a homeless woman a bag of fruit and  plan to fill blessing boxes. His becoming hyper-aware, that not all of his peers have good home circumstances, and finding ways to help where he can is a highlight to my life.

For me, working through my trauma means placing it in causes that affected my life greatly. Watching myself grow and heal while passing on the good things to those watching.

Doing this, is like… my whole life!

“There’s a fine line between genius and crazy, I like to use that line like a jump rope.”



4 responses to “I Can Do Anything”

  1. Brenna Lawrence Avatar
    Brenna Lawrence

    I am incredibly proud of you, my Friend! You’re honesty and humility are inspiring. Your vulnerability is a clear strength!
    Glad we crossed paths and I’m sp excited for your future AND the good you do for other parents and children!!

    1. Megan Brown Avatar
      Megan Brown

      Thanks, Love!

  2. There are two kinds of people in this world, and none of us are coming out of this alive…’One life to live’, or ‘One life to give’!?!

    …this is just the way I see it, and I really like your kind! Let the wind always be behind your back…

  3. Thanks Dylan! You do amazing things and I am happy to be part of your mission as well.

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